Shop Prints

African Wild
Illustrated children's prints
The African Wild range is inspired by our love for our little ones and the African animal kingdom. These animal friends will not only brighten up and beautify your child's room, but teach them about our incredible and diverse wild animals in Africa. A fresh, contemporary take on celebrating our African wild.
My Journey of Hope
Illustrated prints
The 'My Journey of Hope' illustrated collection is a personal documentation of Liezel Liebenberg's breast cancer journey. These detailed illustrations were created by hand with black ink on paper.
"Through a series of illustrations documenting my journey, I hope to create something special and beautiful out of the darkness, whilst shining a light on the leading cancer in women. Through openly telling my story, I hope in some way to inspire and empower others struggling with breast cancer, and perhaps share a little magic with the world.
Check your boobies ladies! Early detection saves lives, it saved mine."
A percentage of each print will be donated to breast cancer support NGO, I Love Boobies.